Friday, July 11, 2008

You Do Not Need To Be An Expert Before You Start A Home Business

By: Larry Porte

It's really a shame that so many people put off starting the online business they're dreaming of because they think that before they can start, they need to become a web designer... a search engine expert... a programmer... and an MBA.

The truth is that the most successful people on the Internet are often none of the above!

One of our favorite success stories is about a guy named Preston Reuther who was battling a mental illness, was really down on himself, and barely knew how to turn on a computer before he somehow worked up the courage to just give it a try.

Well, Preston just worked on one thing at a time, with a little advice and encouragement along the way... and now his web site generates over 1,000,000 per year!

And that's the key: Learn just ONE thing, and learn it well... then move on to the NEXT strategy, and the next, and the next...

Anybody can start an online business. All it takes is a little courage to start and a little resolve to keep going and keep learning new strategies, techniques, and ways to grow and improve your business.

Opportunity abounds on the Internet, and e-business success is not a waning proposition. Far from it -- the online shopping community is rapidly increasing both in terms of how many online shoppers there are and how much they're willing to spend.

And there are so many proven business models on the Net that you can simply follow... or there's plenty of room for you to develop your own, unique approach to your market. And there are so many different things you can sell! For example, you could...

Sell your own products

Sell your own services

Drop ship products

Recommend affiliate products

Sell ad space

Joint venture with like-minded businesses

Start an affiliate program

... and more.

These are the top online profit streams, but of course you can always find others. Plus, there's no reason why you can't incorporate several of them into your business model! The key is to focus on one, maximize revenue from it, and then move on to the next.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Larry Porte is a recognized authority on the subject of starting a home business with little or no cash. His website, provides a wealth of informative articles and free resources on everything you'll ever need to know about starting a home business.

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opportunities so you can work at home visit: